1 Maria Eva Mills on: Children: - Eva Rosina Frankenfield
- Anna Marie Frankenfield
- Maria Elizabeth Frankenfield
- Johann Philip Frankenfield
- Maria Magdalene Frankenfield
- Andreas Frankenfield
- Philip William Frankenfield
- Maria Catherine Frankenfield
- Leonard Frankenfield
- Anna M Frankenfield
- Suzanna Frankenfield
Siblings: - Maria Dorothy Frankenfield
- Johann Peter Frankenfield
- Johann Heinrich Frankenfield
- Johan Peter Frankenfield
- Johann Andreas Frankenfield
- Philip Adam Frankenfield
- Anna Dorothy Frankenfield
- Anna Maria Frankenfield
- John Leonard Frankenfield
| Born:Usingen, Nassau, Germany Baptism: Place: Sponsors: Died: Bethlehem Township, Northampton County, PA Burial:Dryland Union Church in Hecktown Notes: Philip Peter Frankenfield was born in Usingen, Nassau, Germany, locat ed in the Rhine River Valley on Nov. 18, 1735. He died Mar. 3, 1815 Bethl ehem Twp. at sunset after attending church on a cold day. His funeral te xt was Hebrews 4:16. He and his wife, Maria Eve Mill, are both buri ed at the Dryland Union Church in Hecktown. She was born in America on Ja n. 1, 1740 and died Oct. 27, 1833. Eve is the daughter of (Johan) Geor ge Mill, who arrived in America on the Ship "Glasgow" Sept. 9, 1739 and di ed in 1767. A newspaper, dated Friday Nov. 1, 1833, called "Northampton C orrespondent" reported her death. It stated, "did Sunday last at 9 in t he morning in Bethlehem Twp. Mrs. Eva Frankenfield, widow of that late Phi lip Frankenfield, SR., age 93 years 9 months and 26 days. She left 258 de scendants, 11 children, 81 grandchildren, and 166 great grandchildren. S he was buried Oct. 29, Rev Pomp delivered an appropriate Sermon." Anoth er newspaper date Nov. 7, 1833 states "Last Saturday, in Bethlehem Twp. E va Frankenfield, widow of Philip Frankenfield, age 93 years, 9 months a nd 26 days" Her name has many varied spelling: Me aafa, Ma Afa, Ma Ef a, May Eva, Maefa, Maafea, Macta, and Eva Mill or Mills.
Their German tombstones from the Hecktown Cemetery read as follows: "Phil ip Peter Frankenfield Er War Geboren Zu Nassau Ufingen in Deutchland fon C hristlichen El tern nembiech Simon on Eva Frankenfield den 18 November 17 35 und ifs gestorben den 3 Marz 1815 Sein altar Hatie gebracht auf 70 ya hr 3 monate und 16 tage. Sein Leichent text Steht Ehbrasr 4 C. 16" and "Se in Frau ein geborn Mill. Zum Andenkem an Ma Efa Frankenfield War Gebor en in America den 1st Januar 1740 gestorben den 27 October 1833. ihr Alth ar war 93 yahr 9 monate und 26 Tage. Sie Hinterlis 11 Kinter Sie Elle pt 81 Enkel und 166 uhr enkelle." At the 1974 Frankenfield Reunion a repo rt was given by President Charles Frankenfield regarding these tombstone s. It was stated that the Hecktown Dryland Lutheran Church could no long er financially care for the very old section of the church cemetery and th at they were going to remove all the old stone markers. Charles and othe rs made arrangements for the removal of the tombstones of Philip and his w ife by Wenz Memorials in Allentown. Charles took the two tombstones to h is home in Robbinsville, NJ until a suitable place could be found where th ey can be preserved permanently. A 1975 newsletter asked for suggestio ns as to how or where to permanently preserve them.
in Nov. 13,1751, the name Philipp Peter Franckenfeld. when he was almo st 16 years old, is listed on the communion list for the Springfield Chur ch. At that time is listed as servant of Elias Beutelmann, whose name al so appeared on the list. Philip's name appears again on the May 18,1752 li st.
In 1760 he signed a road petition with his father in Springfield Twp. Some time after that he left Bucks Co. On Nov. 22,1764 he is listed in the "Pen nsylvania Gazette" (a newspaper) as living in Tinicum Twp.. but later he m oved to Bethlehem Twp. in Northampton Co. He purchased 600 acres in Fanner sville and Wagnersville. He was taxed there in 1772, 1780(being worth 12 04 pounds), 1785(for360 acres 5 horses 5 cattle), 1786(for 360 acres 5 hor ses 4 cattle, and 1788(for 360 acres 4 horses 3 cattle). However I in 17 87 he was taxed in Springfield Twp., Bucks Co. In the 1790 census he is l isted in Bethlehem Twp.. Northampton Co. as Philip Frankenfield in a house hold consisting of 2 males over 6, 2 males under age 16, and 4 female s. In Direct or Glass tax. of 1196 he listed as living in Bethlehem L P. on his own 'and and having a house worth $700.
Some interesting records have been found in Bucks County Historical Societ y. they are court ~rds of a case: the King (of Great Britain) verses Phil ip :Frankenfield in Sept. 1771. There was a grand inquest for our Soverei gn Lom the King. It states that Philip Frankenfield of Bucks County Yeom an on the twenty fifth day of September in the Year of our Lorn one thousa nd seven hundred and seventy one did with folt;e and arm assault upon Jo hn OVel11olt, doing great lage to him by willfully beating him. Philip w as to appear in court to answer he charges. He was apparently found guil ty and had to pay a fine and court costs.
Philip joined the "Associators for the Defense of American Liberties" on A ug.31, 1775.. later, he served as a private in the Revolutionary War bei ng part of apt. George Wolfs(or Nolfs) Seventh Company Northampton Co. Mil itia, 2nd lattalion from June 5,1780 to May 21,1782 (pA Archives Fifth Ser ies vol. VIII P. 128.164,214, and 523.) Revolutionary War Records at t he Pennsylvania Archives show two inactive duty cards for him in Northampt on Co. One is in the hd Battalion 7th company under Capt. George Naif 3m c lass (roll May 28, 1782) 1d the other in the 5th Battalion 3m company 3m d ass (not dated, but during the ears 1777-1780).
By July 1778 Philip and his wife Eva were sponsors to a baptism at the Dry land Inion Church, where they had several of their own children baptized { beginning in 1779). He and his family were members of the Dryland Church a nd their names appear on its Communion lists (beginning in 1780 and his na me appears in the account book (beginning in 1783).
Phi lip eventually purchaSed adjoining properties to make a plantati on of about BOO acres in Fannersville and Wagnersville. He bOught land fr om Peter Shut\(. in 1786 in Springfield twp. In 1792 he sold to Conrad He ss the land on whim the ipringfield Churoh now sits. On Nov. 9,1789, Phil ip Franckenfelt of Bethlehem .vp.bought land from the penns (recorded Nort hampton Co. deed book 02 1.480). This land was owned by several of his chi ldren; on Feb. 10,1810 it was ;aId to Anna Frankenfield, who mamed John Ap p, they sold it on Mar. 27 .1833 to,eorge Unangst on Apr. 13,1833 (deed bo ok A27 p. 1). On Feb. 2, 1804 Philip xj Eve of Bethlehem twp. sold la nd to John Frankenfield of Plainfield. land was mportant to Philip becau se he was a farmer and used the land to make a living. It is stated th at at old age he could spring from the ground into his saddle. He was )Q c alled "SQuire".
After Philip's death, estate papers were filed in the Northampton Co. Cou rt House in Easton. His widow, Maria Eva, living in Bethlehem twp., made h er mar\<. on nar.8, 1815 on a piece of paper stating that she renounCed t he right \0 administer the estate of her husband Philip. Philip's eldest s on John was living in l\1acungie twp., Lehigh Co. and also renounced the r ight to administer \he estate her in March of 1815. The administrators we re sons Phi\ip and Leonaro. The admini~ors' inventory of the estate show ed that it was worth $15529.59 1/2. Some of Philip's Children had bOrrow ed money from him and the estate shows bonds due from Philip and Leonara F rankenfield, and Peter Rieser. Philip lade advancements of his estate dun ng his lifetime \0 his chl\dren: John, .eonard, Philip, Andrew, Rosina Una ngst, Anna Malia Heckman, Elisabeth In angst, Magdalena Haupt, Anna, Cath arine Rieser, and Susanna Elick. Most of Ie gOOds were sold at public sal e. The final account showed a balance of t23460.46 and It was divided in to 11 shares. each one being $2132.n .